Looking Out the Well

Silence as a writer builds up. As it builds up, its paralyzing. The last two years have made it worse. Even though I felt things welling up inside me to write, I stayed silent. I was scared, and there were voices that were already saying what I was feeling. So, I figured I didn’t need to just be another voice. I could just listen and be encouraged that someone else was stepping up to the plate. In some ways, I was content to watch from the sidelines. However, I still felt like my silence was somehow wrong.

Continue reading “Looking Out the Well”

A New Chapter – musingsonlife

You may have noticed over the past couple of days, this site’s name has changed a couple of times. I’ve been vision casting for the past couple of days for this website. Vision casting for me really means experimenting. Unfortunately, that means you all have to put up with a blog that changes names. Sort of. This isn’t a new start, but it is more of an evolution of what this Musings blog has been. Part of it has to do with taking the plunge and plopping down the money to free this blog from ads and also trying to find a domain that fits.

I have also been quite convicted about making this site about me. On one hand, the site is about me. The things I write on here are connected to my personal experience. However, there is a deeper goal behind most of what I write on here. Its to provide encouragement to someone else. The encouragement’s source is God. More specifically, the source is Jesus…or at least I want it to be. I don’t think or mean that I’m super special in this. God’s Word is available to us through the Bible. His wisdom, encouragement, and strength is available through community in His Church. I’m mostly passing on what I’ve learned from other people.

This weekend, an idea came to me. The title Musings of Life appealed to me because it was both broad and specific at the same time. However, while perusing domains a slightly different idea occurred to me as I saw words smushed together: musingsonlife.

There are a few reasons that I’m excited of this new title and new chapter in this blog. Firstly, musingsonlife encapsulates what I want this blog to be. At its most basic, Musings on Life just means thoughts on life. However, squish the words together and you get the words musing, son, and life. Musing(s) is carried over from the title this blog has carried for a couple of years. It simply means thoughts.

The “son” recognizes that I am a son. Not only am I a son of an earthly father but also of a heavenly Father through Jesus, God’s one and only Son. I am a son, but that idea carries over to everyone. We are all somebody’s child, and should we choose to turn to God, we can be His children too. God the Father showed His nature through His Son, Jesus, so that we may become part of His family. What I am trying to say is this: wherever you stand with your earthly family, there’s a heaven family waiting for you. That’s a big part of this blog.

Which leads to “life.” Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6). I believe what he told his disciples is true: He is the way, the truth, and the life. Jesus embodies what Adam was supposed to be in Genesis. Jesus is humanity unspoiled. To become more human is to become like Jesus. I want to share in that journey with others. Part of my journey is through writing, and I’m grateful for all of you who have joined me so far. Lets invite more people in on the journey!

So, this is a new chapter for this blog. Its not a reboot but a continuation of the story. I hope you stick around.

Next, we will return to the serenity prayer series with, “God, Grant Me Serenity – Wisdom.”

Don’t Buy Into Resolution Shaming

The holidays can be an emotional rollercoaster. One minute, you may be feeling the warm fuzzies, and the next you are a wreck because you didn’t accomplish what you wanted to in the year. My inbox is already starting to get shaming emails about failed resolutions.

I’m all for encouraging others, sharing truth, and giving people tools to reach their goals. I’m not so on board with the resolution shaming.

Continue reading “Don’t Buy Into Resolution Shaming”